Prenatal and Newborn
Prenatal to 3 Months
My Unique Support
When working with expecting families and newborns,
I teach you how to build positive sleep habits from the start. This is a critical time for bonding and establishing feeding.

As your newborn grows and you get to know one another, we gently practice positive sleep skills. It’s a time for practice rather than to be “perfect” or to get your baby sleeping through the night.
I will share my knowledge around feeding, early development and sleep skill acquisition while giving you plenty of space to enjoy these early weeks together. As your baby matures into weeks 12 to 16, we will work together daily for 2 weeks. We will decide together when you and your baby are ready to take this next step. My intention is to decrease your stress, to grow your confidence as a new parent and for you to have a baby who sleeps well at night and takes good naps by 16 weeks of age.
What's Included:
What you get with Standard Sleep
What you get with Rested Kids Sleep Training
In Depth Questionnaire
As we build our relationship, I want to learn about you and your family’s specific needs and circumstances.
Custom Sleep Plan
You will find everything you need to get started and beyond in this detailed plan for your family.
Virtual Education Session
In this 60-90 minute Zoom session we go through the sleep plan and discuss our approach and any questions you may have.
Weekly Voxer Check-In (1x per week for the first 12 to 16 weeks of life)
At each check-in we will discuss your progress and questions. We will then build a reasonable goal for the week ahead.
Sleep Space Assessment
Working with the AAP Safe Sleep Guidelines and your family’s unique wishes, we will assess your child’s sleep environment.
Rested™ App Sleep Log - 2 Weeks
When we are ready for more detail in our approach (between weeks 12 to 16) we will use an interactive sleep log daily.
Daily Voxer Communication - 2 weeks
During the two weeks of daily focused sleep training (between weeks 12-16), we will use the Voxer App (text/talk) for our communication.
Rested Kids™ Graduate Guides
Following our primary time together, you will receive my custom graduate guides which cover topics such as nap transitions, early morning wakes, travel and more.
3 - 45 Minute Refresher Calls
Your child will go through a number of transitions around sleep in the coming months. These calls are intended for help through nap transitions, returning from travel and more. With each call, we will do a 3 day sleep log and mini questionnaire ahead of time so that I can provide valuable feedback in the call.
Lifetime Membership to the Private Rested Kids™ Facebook Group
All Rested Kids™ graduate families get to join my private Facebook group. This will be a space to ask on-going questions about your child’s sleep (one question per month, per member). It’s an opportunity to learn from one another as many issues are similar within each stage of development.
Investment: $1500 (payment plans available)